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Return to Regional Play

Seven Southeastern colleges leave geographically disparate athletics conference to form their own league, citing missed class time and increasing travel costs.

Audit Finds Mismanagement at South Carolina State

A state audit has blasted the management of a transportation research center -- completion of which was to have cost...

Motivating the Reluctant Retiree (Singular)

Colleges' incentives for older professors often woo those the institutions really want to keep. U. of Colorado found a way to single out individuals.

Newly Tenured ... at Greensboro, Northeastern, Washington

The following individuals have recently been awarded tenure by their colleges and universities: Greensboro College--Michael A. Dutch, business administration and...

Borrowed Gravitas

UNC-Chapel Hill case raises questions about when it is O.K. for professors to use their university e-mail accounts for personal purposes.

Academic Minute: Geothermal Power

In today’s Academic Minute, J. Michael Rhodes of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst discusses the benefits of geothermal power...

Research University Groups Balk at Bill Aimed at Tracking Federal Spending

WASHINGTON -- Congress's watchdog-in-chief wants to drastically expand the amount of information made public about how the federal government spends...

Court Refuses to Reconsider Affirmative Action Case

The full U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has refused, 9 to 7, to consider an appeal of...