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Seeking Big Bucks for Science Education

Senators introduce plan to spend $9 billion to improve competitiveness.

The 'Old Boys Network' in College Sports

Like many industries, Richard Lapchick argues, college sports subscribes to the "old boys' network" approach to employment -- the idea...

A New Baptist Higher Education

Incoming president at Mercer U. says religious institutions can embrace academic freedom and still keep their values.

Aiding First-Generation Students

Freshman survey data suggest challenges in easing way for students whose parents did not attend college.

Panel Finds Age Discrimination at Ohio U.

State civil rights commission detects bias in denial of tenure to engineering professor whom a colleague called "too old."

No More Pay Days

Stipends are gone for some striking NYU graduate assistants.

New Form of Gender Equity

Study finds little difference in reports by men and women of sex harassment on college campuses.