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Closed Doors

Study documents the increasing difficulty of transferring to elite private institutions from community colleges.

Law Schools and Diversity Standards

Members of U.S. civil rights panel clash over proposed changes in accrediting language on use of race in admissions.

Honorary Degrees, Tolerance and Ethics

Professor plans to pick up honor at Ryerson U. -- despite protests and a defense of academic freedom that has struck many as weak.

Pruning in the Garden State

Colleges fight New Jersey budget plan that would cut $300 million from higher education.

The Missing Doctorates

Black Ph.D.'s in science and engineering are more likely than others to end up teaching in non-science fields, NSF study finds

Networking, Not Politics

Bloggers at InstaPundit, Daily Kos and Gawker chime in on a new study that explores what students do on the Internet.

A Different Approach to Divestment

As colleges drop holdings in Sudan, model emerges that differs from battles over South African investments a generation ago.