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Consensus (or Not) About Comparability

Participants in Education Dept. accreditation forum agree, to an extent, on need for common measures of learning.

New Push for Full-Time Faculty Jobs

AFT plans to push state legislation to counter erosion of tenure-track positions. Can long-term adjuncts and new Ph.D.'s both gain?

Meth Use: How Widespread on Campus?

As Justice Department reaches out to students, health educators are unsure of the extent of the problem.

Bumpy Ride Ahead for Bankers

With Democratic takeover in Congress, those in the student loan industry might have reason for concern.

Appeals Court Backs Adjunct Union

George Washington U. loses bid to block collective bargaining for part-time faculty members.

Appointment Roils a Law School

Students and professors at Minnesota’s law school oppose hiring of author of controversial memo on treatment of al-Qaeda detainees.