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Colleges Plot Strategy on Conflicts of Interest

Several dozen association and campus officials meet in Washington in acknowledgment that loan scandal has implications across the campus landscape.

Cornell Degree, Offered in Africa

University will build complete academic program in watershed management in Ethiopia.

Shock Heard Round the World

Campus safety experts respond to the much-debated Taser incident at University of Florida.

Hoover in the Heartland

Alumni provide funds for U. of Illinois to promote capitalist thought, with goal of creating public university equivalent of Stanford think tank -- and spreading model elsewhere. Some professors are alarmed.

Minority College Enrollments Edge Higher

Annual report finds gains for all racial and ethnic groups, but black and Hispanic Americans continue to lag their white peers in college-going rate.

Adding Hunger to the Strike

Students at the University of Minnesota show support for striking union workers, pulling a tactic from the campus protest handbook: starving themselves.

Arm's Length or Arm in Arm?

College lawyers and leaders have watched with increasing wariness as a series of lawsuits against universities under the federal False...