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Few Rules for New Constitution Day Requirement

The Education Department isn't requiring much from colleges to carry out a new law.

Longer Stays for Foreign Professors

New federal regulations allow some scholars from abroad to have visas for as long as five years.

Donald Trump Founds 'University'

Once you've done real estate, casinos, an airline, and reality television, what's left? For Donald Trump, there's always higher education...

3% Now vs. 6% Later

George Washington U. says faculty will benefit from a six-month delay in raises. Professors want to see their money now.

Baptists Win Fight Over Shorter

Georgia Supreme Court rules that a college's board didn't have the right to sever ties to a religious group.

Ex-Grad Student Awarded $601,000

He charged that Buffalo faculty members retaliated against him for his discrimination claims.

A Centrist Approach to Sports Reform

Knight Commission seeks a cooperative rather than confrontational role, citing atmosphere of change within the NCAA.