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Tainted Gift at Washington

Federal prosecutors charge major donor to Washington & Jefferson with fraud in connection with $500,000 contribution to the college.

A Steroid Bill Snags Colleges

Congressional measure focuses on professional sports, but mandates scrutiny of the NCAA, too.

Reforming Journalism Education

Foundations and top universities want to promote subject-matter expertise -- and public trust.

Faculty Demographics

New data show how faculty racial composition differs among sectors of colleges. On gender, data show equity at community colleges.

Strike at U. of California

Thousands of research and technical employees stage a one-day walkout.

Detente, Sort of, on Student Loans

Lawmakers at House hearing agree that industry and government programs should compete, but clash on most everything else.

British Union Abandons Boycott

Reversal of action against 2 Israeli universities follows an outcry in the UK and from many American academic groups.

Campus Fires Draw Congressional Scrutiny

6 deaths in April prompt gathering of lawmakers and flurry of legislation aimed at encouraging (and challenging) colleges.