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Cleaning Up Their Online Acts

Colleges warn students that their Web sites could endanger their job prospects and Supreme Court nominations.

Reforming Higher Education -- Worldwide

Fulbright team will develop strategies for colleges and countries, many of which struggle with quality issues in era of rapid growth.

New Approach to Tenure

Coalition of colleges starts effort to create new models for faculty promotion in the arts and humanities.

Battling Over B-School Rankings

One publisher drops Harvard and Wharton from its list in spat over data and access to alumni and students.

Judge Backs Universities on Same-Sex Benefits

Michigan ruling says state ban on gay marriage doesn't restrict health insurance.

Freed Scholar Speaks Out

Yektan Turkyilmaz, detained and tried in Armenia, on his experience and its implications for other academics.

Price Increases Sharpest at Public Colleges

Study also finds slight increases in share of degrees going to women and minority students.