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The Senate's Science Bill

The Senate Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations Subcommittee approved its spending bill for the 2007 fiscal year on Tuesday, which more...

Accountability Proposal Evolves

State college groups flesh out plan for members to make public a "bundle of information" about learning climate and student outcomes.

Rape Accusations Roil a Calif. College District

Football players at Fresno community colleges accused of sexually assaulting an 11-year-old girl.

Religious Rights vs. Gay Rights

Christian group wins federal appeals court victory to keep injunction against Southern Illinois U. enforcing its anti-bias rules.

Research on Higher Ed Gets a Boost

Education Department to create national R&D center on postsecondary education, with a focus on community colleges.

Preventing Cancer

Colleges plan to offer new vaccine, which could dramatically decrease cervical malignancies.