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Higher Ed Is in the House

Congress takes up key bills for colleges and students, with action on student aid legislation looming in Senate.

Is the iPhone Too Popular at Duke?

The wireless network at the North Carolina university may have problems handling Apple's latest.

Easing Friction Over Tech Transfer

Panelists before a House subcommittee discuss the changing nature of innovation, patents and the Bayh-Dole Act.

Provocative Theory on Merit

Research argues that if elite colleges abandoned the SAT, they could have diverse classes without affirmative action.

Why and When Ph.D. Students Finish

New data point to importance of money and mentors -- and to significant differences by discipline.

Fallout From a Cover-Up

Eastern Michigan president is fired and two other officials agree to quit in wake of reports about failure to inform students of campus murder.

Accidentally Into the Loan Wars

Responding to scandal, U. of North Carolina tells all campuses to list at least 3 lenders. That's unfair to colleges in direct lending, advocates say.