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Call to Arms for Adjuncts ... From an Administrator

At national meeting of higher ed HR leaders, one gives jeremiad about the treatment of non-tenure-track faculty and urges colleges to act now to protect "abused" class of workers.

Athletic Eligibility in the Digital Age

NCAA considers allowing players to use online and other “non-traditional courses” to meet their sports participation requirements.

Pulling the Plug on a Struggling Program

After losing $1 million a year on an outpost in Fort Wayne, Taylor U. will shutter branch campus's traditional undergraduate operation, affecting 300 students and 120 faculty and staff.

Spreading the Gospel on Student Learning

As deans, professors and association leaders meet to advance and assess liberal education, they reach tentative accord on a national, coordinated strategy.

Redefining the Gender Gap

New research tries to shift discussion beyond enrollment rates to the actual experience of male and female students in college.

A Taxing Question

Ballot referendum to rid Massachusetts of its income tax could have devastating impact on its system of public higher education.

Identity Crisis

Oberlin College is taking a “fearless” marketing approach to overcome conceptions of what some see as “weirdness.”