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'Swimming Against the Tide'

Many educators worry that the ability of the United States to produce enough scientists will fall short unless a more...

Documenting the Decline of (Print) Law Reviews

Surveying reviews' spotty compliance with reporting requirements, editor of The Green Bag finds their circulations in steep decline -- but does that necessarily mean lost influence?

Not So Thrilled

In latest thriller, John Grisham ties a rape scene to Duquesne U., not the U. of Virginia where he drew his inspiration. The choice rankles Duquesne officials and and revives a story UVa might rather put behind it.

Stimulating Boon for Small Colleges

Lost amid big-dollar provisions in stimulus bill is tax code change that could make it easier for private institutions to borrow for capital projects.

Radio Free Oxford

In reflection of the financially vulnerable state of college broadcasting, Miami U. gives up control of its radio station, saving it money in a budget crisis but spelling the end of its locally produced programming.

Standards for Short-Term Study Abroad

Forum on Education Abroad offers more specific guidance for programs of short duration.

The Impact of 'Time to Degree'

The most logical reason to focus on "time to degree" for doctoral students is that most of them say they...