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Academic Minute: Creating a Culturally Competent Campus

Today on the Academic Minute: Jacquelyn Wiersma-Mosley, professor of human development and family sciences at the University of Arkansas, explains...

Captioning for All

For accessibility reasons alone, online classes and Zoom meetings should routinely offer a captioning option, but it has additional benefits, write David G. Myers and Morton Ann Gernsbacher.

Record Numbers of Men ‘Give Up’ on College

The number of men enrolled at two- and four-year colleges has fallen behind women by record levels, The Wall Street...

Howard University Cancels Class Due to Cyberattack

Howard University canceled classes Tuesday after experiencing a ransomware cyberattack. University officials shut down campus networks Monday to “mitigate potential...

Colleges Ramp Up Internship Resources

Career centers are developing new virtual programming to help students make up for the internships they lost to the pandemic.

Higher Education Has a Data Problem

Unable to piece together all the different indicators, colleges and their instructors struggle to glean real wisdom, let alone adjust to a student’s needs, write Cathy O’Bryan and Bhavin Shah.

As Afghan Colleges Reopen, Women Are Separated From Men

Afghan students returning to college this week are already seeing the influence of the new Taliban leadership, which grabbed power...

The Debate Over Instructional Spending Policies

A report by the Veterans Education Project argues using instructional spending ratios to measure quality puts nontraditional institutions at a disadvantage -- but others argue that’s not what the metric is for.