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A Gift or a Burden?

A new bill could strengthen the rules requiring institutions to report foreign gifts. Some say the measure is necessary; others argue it will create undue stress for colleges and the government alike.

Dropping the Degree as a Hiring Requirement

The state of Maryland joins numerous employers in no longer requiring a bachelor’s degree for many jobs. What are the implications for colleges and universities?

‘Conversations Across Difference’

An organization that promotes dialogue and understanding among people with different political and religious perspectives is expanding its partnership with Hillels to address tensions among Jewish students about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

How Ukraine Is Changing War Studies

Social media has changed the way experts view the conflict.

‘Bright Ages’ So White

A killed book review and resulting racist backlash reveal the extent of white gatekeeping, ally performativity and outright racism in academe, Ambereen Dadabhoy and Erik Wade write.

Study: Asians Underrepresented Among Biomed Prizewinners

Asians continue to be “severely” underrepresented among U.S. biomedical research prize awardees, making up fewer than 7 percent of recipients...

Georgetown Won’t Punish Ilya Shapiro for High Court Comment

Ilya Shapiro, executive director of Georgetown University’s Center for the Constitution, said Thursday that he’ll be allowed to begin working...

New Programs: Computer and Data Science, Nutrition, Extended Reality, Engineering, Sports, Integrative Health and Wellness

Culver-Stockton College is starting a major in computer and data science. Olivet Nazarene University is starting a master of science...