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As Economy Wavers, Online Enrollments Climb

Annual study finds double-digit gains in online education, in part due to fuel costs, surprising some who predicted the rate would eventually flatten.

Gates Foundation to Spend Big on Community Colleges

A new plan -- involving hundreds of millions of dollars -- will focus on completion rates and performance-based incentives.

Fleshing Out Student Aid Simplification (Update)

Education Department to present plan that would simplify aid form, shrink number of aid programs, and base award size on family income and average price of 2-year college.

6-6 Course Loads and No Benefits

Adjuncts in Tennessee, working a decade without raise in pay ceilings, spent 2 years documenting needs. Their plan was considered and promptly rejected as the recession hit.

50-Yard-Line Seats and Faculty Oversight

U. Michigan professors express concern about practice of giving athletics advisory board members tickets and travel to football bowl games.

Sustainable Curriculums

Faculty members describe different approaches to incorporating sustainability into their classes, in some very different disciplines.

How to Shop for Carbon Offsets

Presidents Climate Commitment releases protocol on offsets at conference on sustainability in higher ed, where assessment and measurement are, not surprisingly, big buzzwords.