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Square Peg, Round Hole?

Some in Connecticut question wisdom of the governor's plan to merge the state's technical high school and community college systems.

Backtracking Brandeis President: 'I Screwed Up'

President Obama has given college presidents a management strategy for controversy: admit it when you screw up. Jehuda Reinharz, president...

'Sexual Depravity,' Student Fees and the Student Press

The column, “Sexual Depravity,” was, by most people’s standards, pretty offensive (and if you think it might offend you, you...

Downturn in Federal Research Spending

New U.S. data show agencies' spending on R&D declined in 2008 and that funds for basic studies have fallen by average of nearly 2 percent a year since 2004.

Shaking Up the Community College Concept

CUNY's plans to create a new two-year institution, with a core curriculum and requiring full-time enrollment, represents a dramatic shift in the model -- attracting much enthusiasm and a few raised eyebrows.