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Bills Favoring Guns on Campus Advance in 2 States

Legislation to permit those registered to carry concealed weapons to carry them on college campuses is advancing in Missouri and...

U.S. Cancels Auction for Parent Loans

What if the federal government held an auction and nobody came? That's essentially what happened this month, and the U.S...

Clark U. Calls Off Finkelstein Lecture

Clark University has called off a lecture by Norman Finkelstein, saying that it would conflict with and possibly detract from...

Maryland Will Keep Graduation Prayer

C.D. Mote Jr., president of the University of Maryland at College Park, has decided that the institution will keep a...

Ward Churchill Redux?

Bowdoin is poised to discipline a professor for research errors that he says officials went looking for only because they didn't like the content of his work -- not unlike another recent case.

U. of Colorado Will Fight Churchill Reinstatement

The University of Colorado will "vigorously challenge" any move to reinstate Ward Churchill to his job teaching ethnic studies at...

A Presidential Critic, Fired

AAUP finds violations of academic freedom in dismissal of tenured professor who questioned leadership at Stillman College.

Hawkeye CC Ends Jobs of All Part-Time Faculty

Hawkeye Community College has announced plans to eliminate the jobs of all 33 part-time faculty members as well as the...