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Staying on the Job

Survey from TIAA-CREF backs anecdotal evidence that economic downturn is leading professors to delay retirement plans.

Cuts Could Eliminate LSU Press

Supporters are rallying around the Louisiana State University Press, which is on a list of units at LSU that may...

Murder Suspect Arrested; Wesleyan Resumes Operations

Wesleyan University will resume normal operations today, after a tense day in which most activities were called off after police...

Roosevelt U. Will Restore Athletics

Intercollegiate athletics, dormant at Roosevelt University for 20 years, will return. The university on Thursday announced a plan to create...

Study Disputes Link Between Facebook Use and Grades

A doctoral student's unpublished study suggesting a link between extensive Facebook use and lower grades received a ton of attention...

Fleshing Out the Federal Budget

Obama administration details 2010 spending plan unveiled in February, which would increase and lock in Pell Grant funding and double spending on basic science over a decade.

Report Considers Sustainability in the Curriculum

Colleges have been quicker to green their facilities than their curriculums, as a 2008 National Wildlife Federation study showed, and...

No Community College Left Behind

Think tank calls for government to double its financial commitment to two-year institutions and ensure they receive just as much money to stimulate innovation as four-year institutions.