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Beyond 'Toys, Travel and Food'

Institutionally, most colleges have, in one way or another, embraced the use of technology in how they educate their students...

Promoting Green Campuses

Student activists and administrators announce plans to promote environmentalism.

Presidents Who Are Scholars

New research suggests correlation between being a top researcher and getting a job leading a top university.

Aid Is Up, Tuition Up More

Students are getting more financial aid this year, and they'e going to need it.

Demanding Credit

GAO backs Republican plans that would make it easier -- too easy, some fear -- to transfer credits among institutions.

The Screw Turns in the Senate

Education committee's bill to cut deficit and extend Higher Ed Act would provide extra $2.5 billion to new grant programs.

Security Fears

Survey of higher ed technology leaders finds that protecting networks is their top issue -- and that lapses have been widespread.