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9/11 and the Academy

Survey of private college presidents shows that while curriculums have changed in the wake of the attacks, campus budgets largely haven't.

Thematic Developments

Colleges spend more time cooking up creative theme semesters. Are the efforts worth it?

NYU Strike Is Over -- Without Contract

Graduate students resume teaching duties, failing to win recognition of their union.

Under Oath at Thunderbird

Business school calls on students to pledge alligence to ethical standards. Will it make a difference?

Oops, Never Mind, Appeals Court Says

Federal panel reverses earlier ruling and upholds Gannon University's right under U.S. law to change a former minister's duties.

Mediocre Grades for Colleges

"Report card" on higher education finds U.S. trailing other countries -- with cost of attendance growing as problem for families.

Learning to Teach

CUNY program trains grad students to teach at 2-year colleges -- where the job market favors those who understand the mission.