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An illustration of a keyboard and a large blue book with a red bookmark hanging out. The cord of the mouse goes through the blue book

Digital Media Literacy Becoming a Graduation Requirement

As concerns mount about online misinformation, AI-created images and the ethics of the digital landscape, several institutions are requiring courses in digital media literacy.

Variety of Attitudes About Science: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Laurence Hurst, professor of evolutionary genetics at the University of Bath, explores the differences between...
A photograph of striking Rutgers University workers holding signs.

Higher Ed Workers Seek to Coordinate Nationally

A group called Higher Ed Labor United is trying to overcome the silos that divide unions and keep them from working together against the many threats to colleges and universities.

An illustration shows a counseling or advising session with the professional sitting on the left wearing a suit and holding a clipboard, and a young adult on the right, shrugging her shoulders and with a garbled thought bubble above her head.

Academic Success Tip: Engaging and Motivating Student Advisees

Academic advising involves building trusting relationships with students. One adviser explains practices that help students articulate their academic and personal needs while learning to advocate for themselves.

Boston University Graduate Student Workers Strike

Boston University graduate student workers began striking Monday, calling for better pay, improved health care coverage and guaranteed childcare subsidies...
A photo of protestors holding signs objecting to job cuts at Lesley University.

A Third Vote of No Confidence at Lesley University

Amid job cuts and an alleged lack of transparency, faculty have repeatedly registered their discontent with President Janet Steinmayer. But will it change anything?

Black, Hispanic Students More Likely to Consider Leaving College

Black and Hispanic students were more likely than their white classmates to have considered leaving college in the last six...

FAFSA Timeline Delayed Again

The Education Department announced Monday that students will not be able to make corrections or adjustments to their student aid...