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Yeshiva U Wins Gay-Rights Case, for Now

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor rules that the university need not recognize an LGBTQ organization.

Michigan State President May Be Forced Out

Michigan State president Dr. Samuel Stanley has been given until tomorrow to resign or to possibly be dismissed by the...

Antiscience Sentiment and How to Combat It: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Aviva Philipp-Muller, assistant professor of marketing at the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser...

Emporia State May Get Rid of Some Tenured Faculty

Emporia State University is planning to get rid of some tenured faculty members and others in a reorganization plan to...

Mastriano’s Dissertation, Plus Corrections, Released

The University of New Brunswick, in Canada, has released Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano’s 2013 doctoral thesis about Alvin C...

Lawyers, Guns and Autonomy

A Montana Supreme Court ruling upholding the regents’ authority to ban firearms on campuses is a victory that nevertheless reinforces the academy’s antidemocratic constitution, Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn writes.

Brigham Young Finds No Evidence of Racial Incident

Brigham Young University said it has found no evidence of racial slurs used during a women’s volleyball game against Duke...

Newly Tenured… at DePaul, Teachers College

DePaul University Brian Andrews, cinematic arts Sarah Bockting-Conrad, mathematical sciences Eli Brown, computing Joanna Buscemi, psychology Jacob Ciocci, cinematic arts...