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Broadening the Bush Library Debate

Archivists see dispute at SMU as chance to focus attention on whether presidential libraries are losing access to key documents.

A Forced Anthropology Merger

9 years after much-discussed split of Stanford department in two, separate programs are ordered to combine.

Gender Change Costs Dean a Job

When a man started appearing as a woman, a religious college asserted its right to dismiss.

A Challenge to Catholic Colleges

Vatican official urges U.S. institutions to help peers around the world deal with rapid changes in higher education.

The New Face of For-Profit Colleges

Harris Miller, chief of career college group, seeks to reach out to nonprofit colleges and Democrats on Capitol Hill.

Defeat for Same-Sex Benefits

Michigan appeals court says state ban on gay marriage also limits benefits public colleges can offer gay employees.

Banned in Akron

Administrators bar selection of noted writer's work for freshmen to read because he was once in jail.