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Groups Sue Education Dept. Over Borrower Defense

Student Defense, the Project on Predatory Student Lending and the National Consumer Law Center have filed a lawsuit against Education...

The AAUP Explains Antisemitism and Gets It Wrong

The AAUP compromised its political neutrality in taking sides in the contested debate over the definition of antisemitism, Cary Nelson and Steven Lubet write.

‘The Walls Around Opportunity‘

Author discusses book on “the failure of colorblind policy for higher education.”

Better Late Than Never?

Lavish inauguration ceremonies may seem ostentatious or even tone-deaf in the pandemic era, but many college presidents see value in holding long-delayed ceremonies. Some campus leaders are opting for scaled-down events.

Biden Looks at Options for Forgiving Student Debt

President Biden said Tuesday that he was looking at options to forgive most student debt, CBS News reported, citing comments...

Poll: Athletic Admissions Preferences More Popular Than Affirmative Action

A new survey of 10,441 American adults from the Pew Research Center found that most Americans believe high school grades...

What I’ve Learned From Ungrading

Robert Talbert shares the results of his experiment over the past semester with this approach to assessing and reporting on student learning.

Addressing Homelessness Through a Culture of Care: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute, part of Florida International University Week: Asia Eaton, associate professor of psychology, discusses one method...