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Coaches' Second Chances Often Go Sour

They say Tigers don't change their stripes. History shows that neither do Bulldogs or, now, Hoosiers -- or at least...

Another Source for R

Advocates for more federal spending on basic research discovered a pleasant surprise in the 2009 budget proposal: a boost from the Department of Defense.

6 Killed in Northern Illinois Shooting

Former graduate student opened fire in a lecture hall before turning the gun on himself.

Best You Can Be Without a Degree

While senators weigh bill to hugely boost GI Bill, the Pentagon, concerned that better benefits could hurt reenlistment, backs Bush plan for another kind of enhancement.

Gains and Gaps on AP Scores

More students are scoring at levels viewed as indicating college-level knowledge, but black and Latino participation and success in the program lag significantly.

Calling All Students: Bill Clinton Wants You (in New Orleans)

The former president shares plans for a "global issues" conference at Tulane University.