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McCain Comes Out Against Affirmative Action

In reversal of earlier position, candidate backs state ballot measures to bar public colleges and universities from considering race in admissions and hiring.

Senate Strands Study Abroad Bill

Widely supported legislation to enhance international education is entangled in symbolic debate on Capitol Hill.

More Uncertainty in Student Loan Programs

2 lenders that had said they would offer student loans this fall change their plans, citing continued disruption in the credit markets.

On Accountability, Consider Bologna

If you want to understand what the a-word really means, a new report suggests, look to what's happening in Europe.

College Papers May Have New Competitor: Their Web Site Host

Some campus editors and advisors are worried that the dominant hosting service is launching a series of Web sites aimed at a particular set of readers -- their own.

Missing Attribution in Controversial Book

Amid criticism, Penn Press says author of much-discussed work on terror networks will in the future formally acknowledge two sources absent in current edition.

Crusade Against a Crusader

P.Z. Myers -- defender of evolution -- stages "great desecration," leading to demands for his firing. U. of Minnesota at Morris refuses to do so, but cuts link to his Web site.

Do They Ever Learn?

U. of Iowa accused of inadequate response to alleged sexual assault by 2 athletes. How can universities prevent such incidents?