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Helping Community College Students Beat the Odds

Hudson Valley finds that combining and coordinating various student services yields unusually high retention rate.

From Blue Books to Secure Laptops

Some colleges are experimenting with software that turns laptops into digital blue books, which could spell the end of the dreaded exam scribble.

Open Access or Faux Access?

Anthropology association -- criticized by scholars for use of subscription model -- says it has embraced idea of making digital material free. But you have to wait 35 years.

2 Wins for Illinois Professors

University affirms that they can wear buttons and attend rallies, and ends talks that some feared would create the next Hoover Institution.

Bands Gone Wild

A series of recent allegations raise questions about the behavior and culture of college marching bands.

A Strike Against Labor

With veto of $5.4 million in funds for U. of California labor studies programs, Schwarzenegger issues latest salvo in long-running fight over research arm's perceived partisanship.

E-Textbooks for All

A pilot at the University of Texas at Austin will replace printed textbooks with electronic versions for all students in certain classes, free of charge.