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Early Decision and the Adolescent Brain

Because of maturity level, some high school students may be at even more of a disadvantage than their peers when it comes to making an early commitment to a college, study finds.

Crucifixes in the Classroom

Boston College adds Catholic imagery to all teaching spaces -- to the consternation of some professors.

Evolving Position at Olivet Nazarene

Professor involved in evolution dispute says university has lifted limits on his teaching and use of his book.

Are College Athletes Psyching Themselves Out?

Study suggests perceived threat of confirming negative stereotypes may cause some -- but not all -- of academic achievement gap between athletes and non-athletes.

EEOC Can Sue Public University, Court Rules

Federal appeals panel says 11th amendment immunity protects state institution from direct age bias suit by former employee -- but not from claim by U.S. agency on worker's behalf.

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Just as public colleges were starting to recover from 2001 recession, the current economic crisis threatens to reverse gains, a new report finds.

Using Quaker Principles to Budget in Tough Times

Although not a member of the faith, Kent John Chabotar finds the role of silence and respect for minority opinions to be relevant in navigating college finances during the worldwide economic crisis.