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Dodging Swine Online

Advice for combating a swine flu outbreak: cover your mouth, wash your hands, and brush up on your online course delivery system.

House Passes Student Aid Bill

Legislation to reshape loan programs and bolster Pell Grants and community colleges passes along partisan lines. Now focus shifts to the Senate.

Princeton Will Review Its Eating Clubs

Princeton University on Thursday announced a review of its relationship with eating clubs, which are beloved by many of their...

Anger Over Radford Layoffs

The Faculty Senate at Radford University, in Virginia, voted Thursday to condemn the layoffs of two student services officials --...

Friending Admissions Officers

Seventy-one percent of admissions officers report that those in their offices have received Facebook or MySpace "friend requests" from applicants...

More Signs of Spread of H1N1 on Campuses

Eighty-three percent of campuses in a sample being used to track the spread of H1N1 reported new cases of flu-like...

Fearing H1N1, NCAA Tells Players Not to Shake Hands

The Volleyball Rules Committee of the National Collegiate Athletic Association has recommended that players refrain from traditional handshakes before and...

Gaps in College Savings

Families are saving an average of $2,676 for college annually, according to the results of a new survey by Sallie...