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A Board Out of Control

Special accrediting panel finds Maricopa trustees in violation of numerous standards and to be lacking in civility or knowledge of their roles.

'How Do You Know?'

As head of the Teagle Foundation for six years, Robert Connor didn't have anywhere near the money of the Lumina...

Reconciliation vs. Punishment at a South African University

A gesture from the new leader of a South African university is sparking a new debate over an ugly incident...

What the Morehouse Man Wears

College bans caps, do-rags and saggy pants, and largely receives student support -- but faces criticism from gay group over restriction on women's clothing.

Israel Plans Endowment to Fight Professorial Brain Drain

Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, on Sunday announced that the government will develop plans for an endowment to be used...

Healthier (Sometimes Stealth) Campus Dining

More colleges are making portions smaller and adding nutritious ingredients (sometimes without telling) in efforts to encourage healthier eating habits...

Illinois Restores Grants for Low-Income Students

Following an intense lobbying drive by colleges and students in Illinois, a new law will authorize about 137,000 low-income students...

State Lotteries and College Gambling Bans

Harding University announced Friday that it will consider the new state lottery in Arkansas to be off limits to students...