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A hand holding money is reaching toward a hand holding test answers

AP Exams Face a Security Test

An international cheating ring led to an uptick in AP score cancellations this year, expediting plans to digitize the exams. Will that make them more secure?

Students walk on Illinois Tech's campus during orientation week

Program Innovation: Training the Trainer

A mentorship and support program for up-and-coming student leaders helps boost students’ academic and interpersonal skills as well as student success metrics.

Mike Johnson, in a blue suit and flanked by several Republican leaders, stands at a podium

House Republicans Vote to Overturn Biden Title IX Rule

The party-line vote followed a heated debate over the regulations, which strengthen protections for transgender students.

Two London street signs point toward government buildings

New Ministers a ‘Signal of Intent’ on Tackling U.K. Sector Issues

Heavy hitters joining key higher education ministries in the U.K. raise hopes that the new government can get a handle on issues quickly.

Michigan Offers High School Grads Free Community College

Michigan high schoolers will be able to attend a local community college without paying tuition starting next fall. The Michigan...

Pro-Palestinian Protesters in Florida and Texas Face Suspensions

The University of Florida has issued suspensions of up to four years for several pro-Palestinian student protesters who were arrested...
The sculpture "Witness," which shows a towering, golden female figure with a judicial collar and thick braids resembling ram horns.

‘Satanic’ Sculpture Beheaded at University of Houston

A sculpture at the University of Houston, previously protested by some Christian and antiabortion activists, was beheaded Monday, The New...
An elephant foot crushes a cracked logo of the Education Department. Behind it an orange background repeats "Project 2025."

Project 2025 Would Radically Overhaul Higher Ed. Here’s How.

The sweeping conservative blueprint for a second Trump administration would dismantle the Education Department, privatize student loans and end all ongoing Title IX investigations. Critics say it’s a road map to authoritarianism.