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Two students sit inside at a table on a sunny day at Kent State University

Scaling Up: Keeping Students on Track to Graduate Through the Summer

A program at Kent State University helps struggling students persist toward a degree by offering free summer courses and personalized workshops.

Republican senator Bill Cassidy stands a podium next to Senators Joni Ernst and Shelley Moore Capito.

‘Excuse After Excuse’: Republicans Slam Biden for FAFSA Launch

GOP senators say officials prioritized debt relief over rollout of the new aid application. The GAO will investigate what went wrong.

A square with rounded corners colored with a changing gradient that starts red and pink on the top left and changes to purple and blue on the bottom right. On this background are the white letters "T," "H" and "E." To the right of the rounded square, black text reads "Times Higher Education."

Indian Ph.D. Students Protest ‘Paper Per Semester’ Rule

Pressure to publish is seen as “contributing factor” to recent deaths, as India’s leading university faces backlash on doctoral monitoring.

Temple Waives Tuition for Low-Income Locals

Temple University announced Thursday that it will cover tuition and fees for incoming full-time students from Philadelphia whose family income...
Aerial view of a student sitting at a desk next to a staff member with paperwork in front of them.

The Learning Room: Building Trust in One-on-One Student Appointments

Effective campus support—academic or otherwise—involves the student trusting the staff member, the staff member trusting the student and the student having self-trust.

The letters "AI" in white against a blue background.

First Do No Harm

Jamie Paris asks if international students are being racially profiled when it comes to AI-related academic misconduct.

Texas state capitol building

State Support for Colleges Grew as Stimulus Funds Ebbed

Even with a reduction in federal stimulus funding, state support for higher education was up 10 percent in fiscal 2024.

A campus photo in an outline of North Carolina with images of stacks of dollar bills in the background.

North Carolina Community Colleges Push for Workforce-Focused Funding Model

Community college leaders are hopeful the new funding plan they’ve devised can win over state lawmakers eager to fill workforce gaps.