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Kansas Lawmakers Ask U.S. for Answers on Tribal College

Four members of Kansas' Congressional delegation have written the U.S. interior secretary expressing their concerns about how Haskell Indian Nations...

The Bible vs. Porn

The Atheist Agenda at the University of Texas at San Antonio has found a way to attract converts away from...

Buyer's Market

Community college leaders eyeing institutional expansion have found a silver lining to the depressed real estate market. Though dwindling state...

Towson Fires Adjunct for Racial Remark

Towson University fired an adjunct last week after he called himself, in class, a "nigger on a corporate plantation," The...

'The Intimate University'

Even as Asian-American enrollments grow at leading American universities, relatively little in-depth work has been done that focuses on growing...

Community College Ends Religious Recruiting

Northwest College, a community college in Wyoming, announced Tuesday that it will no longer recruit students based on their religion...

The Completion Cacophony

5 foundations back new group to propel state efforts to get more people into and out of college with credentials.

Minority Student Admits to Noose Incident at UC San Diego

An anonymous student -- identified only as a minority woman -- has admitted to accidentally leaving a noose in a...