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Utah Regent Quits Over Legislative Interference

Anthony Morgan has resigned from the Utah Board of Regents to object to legislative action authorizing a new engineering program...

Sickle Cell Testing, Unless Athletes Balk

The Division I Legislative Council of the National Collegiate Athletic Association approved a new rule Tuesday mandating that all athletes...

'Career Ready' vs. 'College Ready'

Though the terms “college ready” and “career ready” have been used together in many education plans in recent years, a...

Retooling Remediation

Six states that are trying to revamp remedial education are focusing as much on what happens outside of the classroom...

Decoding Social Media Mysteries

Hanson Hosein wants to lead you on an expedition into uncharted territory. It will be expensive, and even your guides...

Why They Take So Long

Students who take too long to earn bachelor's degrees are the frustration of parents, college leaders and policy makers alike...

Japanese Enrollments Decline in U.S.

Japanese enrollments in the United States are in decline, The Washington Post reported. Many students say that they prefer to...