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Should University Building Be Named for Klan Leader?

A former professor at the University of Texas at Austin is pushing for the institution to change the name of...

Peralta Settles Suit on Prayer on Campus

The Peralta Community College District will pay $90,000 to two students who faced suspension for praying in class, The Contra...

Boulder Cracks Down on Dumpster Divers

As students leave their housing of the last academic year, many colleges encourage recycling of the possessions they are discarding...

Applying the Liberal Arts

Easing their way into awarding four-year degrees, some community colleges around the country have begun offering applied baccalaureate degrees with...

For-Profit College Will Stop Recruiting in Homeless Shelters

Drake College of Business, a for-profit college, has announced that it will stop recruiting students in homeless shelters, Bloomberg reported...

Colorado State Rescinds Gun Ban

Colorado State University on Wednesday rescinded its gun ban, citing a recent ruling by a Colorado court that invalidated a...

A Setback for Google?

In what might be a setback for Google’s effort to put to bed persistent privacy and security concerns among existing...

Berkeley Drops Charges Against Some Students

The University of California at Berkeley, citing "genuine confusion" over when authorities ordered some protests to disperse in the fall...