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All Eyes on India

For U.S. universities, India remains a frontier of sorts. “Right now, we’re basically doing exploration of India, trying to figure...

Visa Denied for Deported Student Admitted to SMU

The case of Saad Nabeel has attracted considerable attention in Dallas to the problems facing students without legal residency status...

Grambling Lost $1M on Illegally Purchased Stock

While many universities have suffered stock losses in the last two years, Louisiana auditors uncovered an unusual loss at Grambling...

College Readiness and State Policy

A new policy brief by the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education and the Southern Regional Education Board...

Town-Gown Tensions at Princeton

Princeton University is facing demands for increased payments to Princeton, N.J., Bloomberg reported. Princeton provided $10 million last year, more...

Bad Writing Contest

The results are in for the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest for 2010. The annual award -- from the English department at...

The Retention Guru

Two decades ago, Xavier University could only count on three of every four freshmen returning for sophomore year. Even fewer...