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Colorado May Replace Journalism School

The University of Colorado at Boulder on Wednesday announced two reviews -- one on possibly eliminating its School of Journalism...

Carnegie Mellon Suspends Program in Greece

Carnegie Mellon University has suspended a master's program in information networking that it has run in Greece since 2002, The...

You've Been Pre-Approved

If community colleges were to find all the formerly enrolled students whose academic records qualify them for an associate degree...

Questioning Value of Science Degrees

International study doubts correlation between increasing number of STEM graduates and economic growth, while finding link between total graduates and economic growth.

Egg on Its Interface

Criticism from librarians prompts JSTOR to promise changes to its recently redesigned database portal.

California Ends Deal With Kaplan

Community college chancellor kills agreement that let students from overcrowded institutions take courses from the for-profit and transfer them back.

3 Million and Counting

As policy debate rages about for-profit colleges' value, their enrollments continue to soar, nearing 12 percent of all students.

Mixed Trends in MBA Applications

Graduate programs in business saw mixed trends in applications in the last year, according to survey data being released today...