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Senator Wants For-Profit Colleges to Share Default Risk

U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, a key member of the Senate Democratic leadership, on Tuesday called for a number...

Stuck in the Middle

Two senior administrators at Kansas university gave regents information about the president -- who they say then fired them for doing so.

Win for Researcher Rights

Judge blocks attempt by state attorney general to get records on a scientist's work at U. of Virginia; further court battles are likely.

All In the Delivery

As publishers and analysts again wonder if e-books are about to take off, the growing popularity of rental options may play as important a role as technology.

'American Universities in a Global Market'

The status of the United States in the international higher education ecosystem -- and, particularly, whether it is losing its...

U. of California Retirement Fund Faces $20B Shortfall

The University of California system's retirement fund faces a shortfall of $20 billion, according to a study released Monday, the...

White House to Ease Export Restrictions That Sometimes Impede Research

The White House said Monday that the Obama administration would revamp and simplify its system of export controls -- a...