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Deadly Warning

Rutgers student's suicide after alleged gay taunting shows that, despite a growth in resources, some students don't get help and there's still plentiful debate about how to help them.

Man Convicted of Impersonating Scholar

A jury on Thursday convicted Raphael Haim Golb, a real estate lawyer, of impersonating a New York University professor and...

The Graduation Limitation

Association's report documents flaws in sources of data on college degree completion -- without proposing any solutions, critics say.

Whale Snot and Mixing of Oil and Water Bring Ig Nobel Honors

Researchers who used a remote control helicopter to collect samples of whale snot and demonstrated that, "on icy footpaths in...

California Enacts Law to Ease Community College Transfer

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on Wednesday signed legislation that will ensure admission to the California State University System for students who...

Report Aims to Prod College Completion in Southern U.S.

The Southern Regional Education Board has issued a series of practical and policy recommendations designed to help 16 Southern states...

GAO Questions Whether U.S. Needs Website to Compare Loans

The federal government may have no need for a website that would allow students to compare the rates and terms...

Digging Out of the Hole

Anecdotal reports show endowments rebounding, but getting back to pre-recession levels remains a challenge.