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Transition in Egypt

Incoming and (in podcast) departing presidents of American University in Cairo discuss role of key institution in a volatile region.

Reckoning the Recovery

Survey of state community college directors shows few have plans for how to balance budgets once federal stimulus dollars are gone.

So You Want to Get a Ph.D. in the Humanities?

The viral video of the week, at least in the humanities, is below, mocking those who want to pursue a...

Northwestern Urges Students Not to Wear Offensive Costumes

Just about every year, Halloween features parties at which some students dress in ways that cause offense, typically over issues...

Rutgers Legal Clinics Covered by Open Records Laws, Court Rules

A New Jersey appeals court has ruled that legal clinics run by Rutgers University are covered by the state's open...

Cooking the Books

The former director of auxiliary services at La Salle University, Stephen Greb, turned himself in to authorities Tuesday to face...

Rude Democracy

Stewart and Colbert rally in DC this weekend. Scott McLemee opposes their extremist moderation.