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Professors (and Learners) of the Year

It’s probably not unusual for junior professors to hear they should devote their time to research rather than waste it...

DePaul Accused of Bias in Tenure Denial

Supporters of Quinetta Shelby released documents Wednesday suggesting bias in her tenure denial at DePaul University. Shelby is the only...

Video Killed the Faculty Star

In what seems the TMZ-ification of higher education, three separate professors have found themselves the subjects of “gotcha” YouTube segments...

Court Rejects New Appeal by Christian Legal Society

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on Wednesday rejected a new attempt by the Christian Legal Society...

Call for 'Consumer Revolution' in Britain

British students plan to launch a "consumer revolution" against a sector they see as unprepared for the consequences of marketization...

Professor Says She Lost Job for Objecting to Textbook

Nancy Rudner Lugo has sued the University of Central Florida, charging that her contract as a tenure-track nursing professor was...

Warrantless Dorm Search Rejected

Courts continue to zig-zag on warrantless searches of college dormitory rooms -- with the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts on...

4 Lenders Settle Lawsuit Over Use of Student Loan Loophole

The U.S. Justice Department announced on Wednesday that four student loan providers had agreed to pay $57.8 million to settle...