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Concerns on Anti-Bullying Legislation

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education is raising concerns about legislation proposed in Congress and passed by legislators (but...

Opening Up Dormitories

This fall, Eastern Michigan University opened its dorms to students from nearby Washtenaw Community College, in order to earn some...

Hunger Strike to Back DREAM Act

Students at several Texas colleges have started hunger strikes with the aim of convincing Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, a Republican...

Empathizing 101

A Capital University experiment to determine whether students can learn empathy is generating excitement among experts who study the behavior.

Medill School of What?

Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism has for some years been debating how to reflect changes in journalism -- with...

Can Hazing Be Stopped?

Hazing incidents have been alleged on at least three campuses across the country during the past month -- the Universities...

Flogging For-Profit Colleges

WASHINGTON -- The release of yet another report highly critical of for-profit higher education by yet another advocacy group in...