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New Data, No Better Results

First available information from more-recent cohort of entering college students finds graduation rates stagnant, even receding.

Paying by the Pound for Journals

A new digital pricing model strains the relationship between chemistry group and some of its subscribers.

Information Unstacks the Deck

When choosing a college, many prospective students opt for the easiest or closest choice. Would giving them better information make for wiser decisions?

Iowa Republicans Target Sabbaticals

Iowa Republicans, who are about to control the state House of Representatives, are calling for public universities to stop awarding...

University Measures Extent of Texting in Class

Faculty members everywhere complain about students who text in class, but professors at Wilkes University decided to measure the extent...

Creating a For-Profit Medical School

A Florida group is seeking to start the first for-profit medical school offering M.D. degrees in the United States, The...

The Rev. Al Breaks Ranks

Unlike many of his peers among black leaders, Sharpton expresses support for tougher Education Dept. oversight of for-profit colleges.

A New, Empty Stadium

Slumping football attendance means U. of Akron athletics department must look elsewhere to pay off debt.