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Setting State Targets

As the "completion agenda" advances, systems of community colleges are agreeing on ambitious goals for increasing number of graduates. Are the plans realistic?

We Need an Adjunct Union

It's time for a national organization, focused exclusively on collective bargaining for those off the tenure track, writes Keith Hoeller.

Senate Democrats Turn Gaze to Military Aid to For-Profits

Sen. Tom Harkin has identified the next target in his campaign to draw attention to perceived abuses in for-profit higher...

Washington Wrapup: Budget and Bishop

In year-end rush, Congress weighs budget that would close Pell shortfall; House passes DREAM Act; 36 days after election, a higher ed champion formally retains House seat.

Getting Their Babel On

MLA survey shows record array of foreign languages offered on the nation’s campuses, as the proportion of students enrolling holds steady.

The Last Utopia

A new book looks at the history of the human rights movement and reaches surprising conclusions. Scott McLemee interviews the author.

'Lessons Learned'

William G. Bowen was president of Princeton University from 1972 to 1988, and he reflects on his experiences and the...

Bleak State Budgets in the Offing

A new study out today reinforces the impression left by other recent surveys of the country's economic landscape: tight state...