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Italian Parliament Approves Controversial University Reforms

Italy's parliament gave final approval in December to a controversial set of reforms for the nation's universities, The Wall Street...

'Pay for Play'

University of Alabama football coach Nick Saban is frequently heralded as "the most powerful man in Alabama" and "the most...

Facebook, a Placenta and a Lawsuit

Did 4 nursing students deserve to be kicked out of their program for a photograph they took and posted?

Pell Grants Seen as Target for Cuts

Congress and many state legislatures will convene for their 2011 terms within the next week, with one overriding priority dominating...

Impact of Women on Search Committees

Researchers in Spain, using rare opportunity to study randomly selected hiring and promotion panels, find gender split affects who gets full professor (but not associate) positions.

U. of California Employees With Top Salaries Threaten to Sue on Pensions

Employees of the University of California who are at the top salary levels -- earning more than $245,000 -- are...

Expanded View of Travel Liability

Court holds Ohio university liable for deaths of students in accident in rented bus -- a break with how most courts have ruled.

Economists to Consider Conflict of Interest Rules

The American Economic Association's board plans to discuss whether the organization should have an ethics code dealing with conflicts of...