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Retention Ups and Downs

First- to second-year retention rates are edging up at community colleges, and down at four-year colleges, according to an analysis...

What the Republican Budget Hawks Would Eliminate

The Republican Study Committee -- a G.O.P. caucus focused on cutting federal spending -- on Thursday unveiled its plans to...

The States of Online Regulation

A new report breaks down the 'inconsistent' and 'complex' regulatory terrain that Web-based colleges must navigate to operate in multiple states.

Massage Therapists or R.N.s

New report argues for-profit sector is not producing the kinds of health care professionals that are really needed.

Bonuses and Raises Amid U. of California Cuts

Past and future budget cuts have been the focus of this week's meetings of the University of California Board of...

Academic Minute: Mathematics and Tiling

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Arkansas' Edmund Harriss examines the importance of tiling to current and historical mathematics...

Montgomery College Sued Over Tuition Policy

Three residents of Montgomery County, Maryland are suing to force the college to end a policy that allows some Montgomery...

Documenting Adjuncts' Pay Gap

If part-time faculty members assembled the equivalent course duties of a full-time job at a Pennsylvania community college, they still...