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Peer Review by Twitter

As social media tools are increasingly used to respond to scientific papers published in peer-reviewed journals, many researchers are frustrated...

Restoring the Faculty Voice

Public college professors from 21 states vow to start campaign to defend higher education's future.

Campaign Donations and Board Appointments

More than two-thirds of the people appointed to the University of Tennessee Board of Trustees by the current governor and...

The Sinking States

Appropriations for higher education are down again this year, study finds, and only stimulus funds that have now run out prevented deeper cuts.

The Flaw of Overall Rankings

Robert J. Sternberg turns to psychology research to explain why assigning ordinal numbers to colleges is inherently flawed.

Dutch Students Protest Cuts to Universities

Thousands of Dutch students protested Friday against planned government cuts to universities, Dutch News reported. Students have particularly objected to...

Commencement Speakers Announced: Duke, Hartwick, Stanford, U. of Vermont

The following colleges and universities have announced their commencement speakers for spring 2011: Duke University: John Chambers, the chairman and...

Obama Honors Science Mentors

President Obama on Friday named 11 individuals and 4 organizations as recipients of the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science...