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Less-Is-More Approach to Sports

Positive reviews abound after first truncated fall athletic seasons in NCAA Division II; some critics say Division I should follow suit.

Academic Minute: Nanoscale Science

In today's Academic Minute, Robert Geer, of the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering at the State University of New...

Not So Fast

Michigan provost wants to extend pre-tenure period to 10 years -- and faculty senate resoundingly rejects the idea.

'Lessons From A Street-Wise Professor'

Landing a job in today’s economy is tough for most college graduates. For those seeking a career in the fine...

Threats Follow Glenn Beck Attacks on CUNY Scholar

Frances Fox Piven, a noted sociology professor at the City University of New York Graduate Center, has become the target...

N.C. Community Colleges May Bar Students Who Raise Safety Issues

North Carolina's State Board for Community Colleges voted Friday to permit community colleges in the state to bar the enrollment...

Movement and Controversy Over Louisiana Merger Idea

The Louisiana Board of Regents is moving ahead with a study of a possible merger of Southern Louisiana at New...