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Price Check at Sewanee

U. of the South cuts tuition by 10%, seeking to reverse both rising discount rate and increased spending on merit aid. Could other private colleges follow?

Veterans' Agency Says It Has Denied GI Bill Approval for Some For-Profit Colleges

The Department of Veterans Affairs has "suspended and/or withdrawn" its approval for educational benefits for veterans to flow to some...

How Class Dictates Delay

A forthcoming study aims to clarify that -- contrary to popular portrayals -- most students who delay college are less well-off than their peers and face obstacles stemming from academics, wealth and family matters.

A Politician's Agenda

A New Jersey county executive wants to decide which items may go on meeting agendas for the local community college’s...

$4.5M to Settle Football Whistle-Blower Case

The California State University System spent $1.87 million on legal bills related to a whistle-blower lawsuit that it settled last...

Google's Gadfly

“Uncomfortably familial.” That is how Siva Vaidhyanathan, a professor of media studies at the University of Virginia, describes the relationship...

23 Academic Groups Condemn Glenn Beck Attacks on Frances Fox Piven

Twenty-three academic groups issued a joint statement Tuesday condemning Glenn Beck, the television commentator, for language that has inspired others...