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In It Together in California

Faculty unions and the Los Rios and San Diego Community College Districts find labor harmony by basing contracts on shared revenue agreements.

Reclaiming the 'Early College'

The provost of Bard College at Simon's Rock -- which serves students who leave high school after the 10th or...

U.S. Opens Inquiry Into Alleged Anti-Semitism at Santa Cruz

The U.S. Education Department's Office for Civil Rights has opened an investigation into a professor's complaint that the University of...

Bias Complaint Filed on Google Apps for Education

The National Federation of the Blind, in a complaint with the U.S. Justice Department, on Tuesday asked Northwestern University and...

An Investigation Abandoned

U.S. civil rights commission ends inquiry into private colleges' admissions preferences for men -- and use of Title IX -- citing concerns about data quality.

Academic Minute: Green Jobs

In today’s Academic Minute, Bard College's Eban Goodstein explores the role that green technology could play in the economic recovery...

Student Loan Debt, Reframed

Study examines little-explored (but big) group of borrowers: the majority who neither default nor repay all their loans on time. How much trouble are they in?

The Pulse: The Future of Fair Use

The March 2011 edition of The Pulse features an interview with Steve Anderson, director of the Media Arts + Practice...